From idea creation to implementation…design and modeling
Before I write my thoughts and history of creating simple projects, I want to draw the attention of all those who want to enter the world of business. In this article we will not talk about freelanc and remote earnings. We will consider the construction of a business model and consider only a small example of the project. Today, there are many external attributes of building business models and building a virtual business. External attributes of business are such only because we see only one side of them and those people who represent the business, but are not its owners. Quite often on YouTube, we observe the external manifestations of such models, they can be called service-oriented managers whose task is to attract an audience to the platform to which they themselves have an indirect relationship, that is, either did not participate in the development, or took only indirectly. As a rule, such platforms are developed by a group of programmers hired by the business, or the platform has long been prepared, but did not have proper marketing or advertising support. In other words, the marketing, advertising or platform itself is not a business. Business is the ways and methods of management, ensuring a constant financial income, communication, targeted advertising.
I draw Your attention to these factors so that you understand that there is no easy money. And behind all the outward forms and “hype” have already carried out serious work and money is invested. For example, when you are approached by a customer and asked to create and simulate, and then create a product for a network of small shops.
How will the service Manager look at it? I brought a client (even if the clients came themselves) and he will say, I can offer him additional services or services from which I will receive a percentage or additional benefit. In this process, the service Manager plays the role of a consultant, it does not play an important role in the creation of ideas and technical implementation of the product, it is built into an existing business process. Because the company was created before him, has established itself in one way or another. That is, before the idea became a company, and the founder created it, it has gone a long way of its development, existence. This path is associated with finding customers, creating websites, presentations, mailing, zero time (when there is no cash flow), and of course the first successes and customers through connections, acquaintances. The first projects are always tied to connections and acquaintances, if you do not have any, your business will be unprofitable for a longer time. Even if you are a new “UBER” or a new booking service, at the start you need a team that trusts you and can work for a long time without financial investment, your marketing connections allow you to promote your ideas to the masses, winning an increasing number of users.
But back to the project and the client who came to the company to implement the idea. First of all, we will ask the client about his activities and he will tell us that he has a network of small shops, he sells a variety of food. And he needs the shelves, with a new vision and design, which should become in the future to become a corporate identity. There are no easy ways and first we have to make rough sketches.
Get a General example or set of ideas about what the client wants and draw a model:
Let’s see how they change. Look from left to right and then down. Our models are not perfect. We do not understand and do not know the location where they will stand and what they will be tied to. In addition, they are really very similar to the cabinets. Products are rough, there is no design calculation. Why did we draw the model then? What did we spend the time for? It is from this moment that the business process begins, the real process and the work that determines your professional skills. You have to manage the process, manage finances, divide the processes into stages. Yes, before you start working we have billed for the start of work. But even earlier before that, we talked with the client and in words considering the possible implementation of the presented, adopted some aspects, and we looked at it:
But we needed something of our own, with new materials or a different color. In addition, we wanted to get away from the elements of the Cabinet, so considering other options, we came to use a combined approach, to see and at the same time to experiment:
What changed? Changed the idea, uneven and angular design was replaced by more stringent and correct forms more reminiscent of furniture. The reason? The idea is the same, but the difference is visible. We have engaged the constructor from production for realization of our idea. No, it doesn’t mean you’re stupid and incompetent. This means that you understand how to build the process. The business process is a team work and for the implementation of the order, You need a technician who performs every day work in the workplace. He sees those technical features of the material that you can miss.
However, we still do not understand the location, the place where is stand this product. And the customer tells us about it. He is satisfied with the model. He sees her as what he wants, but he’s still not sure. Indeed, the model is not good enough for full implementation.
But apart from this, the model has no decor and art-decor, which is necessary. And here we include the final touch that will show all the professionalism of our design art. Once again, we do not draw a beautiful picture, we draw a model for production. But we also need a design element. As a result, we offer the following:
And other color (bleached oak).
Notice how the proportions and volume have changed. We applied the principle of location, completely abandoned the excess, strengthened the frame thanks to the design calculation and design changes. As a result, the customer, the landlord like this implementation due to functionality. Next we make a render:
It is not beautiful enough really, but our task is not to create a beautiful picture, we conducted the client according to our capabilities, showed how we designed and changed the model and the project. We understand that the client needs a product that he will be able create not only in our production. But it is important that the client see the process of your work, because the approval process is necessary.
Now we do the cutting of all the individual elements and put into production.
But we do not rest on this, because we want to use excellent material, and the customer gives recommendations. We use two colors: oak in white and oak with dark toning and with a different texture. And run this variant:
It is not necessarily us and our production, it can be any. You can see that this is a continuous process of improving your product and products. Design is not only an external form and a beautiful picture — it is a process with technical content, structural elements, calculation of structures. It is also the basic business process of working in interior design, and it is not only a service or a service of getting money. You should look at the basic principles of business and the processes on which the business is built, the people and professionals who work in it.
Maksim R. Melnikov